Saturday, December 28, 2013

How to level up on MSP

How to level up on MSP

First of all I would like to give credit to whales1234. She helped me think of this post and is AWSOME, so go check her out on American MSP.Well, there is always the basics, but i'm going to skip past that. The easiest way to level up is not hacking tools, but infact goals/tasks. Look down below. You can find this on your profile.

You know what gives you fame, autos, getting "loves". But the most important thing is MOVIES. Movie views are easy to get and give you starcoins and fame. It is "MOVIEstarplanet".
Make sure you take your time on your movies, you cant just have a minute movie of your character standing there. My next post will be on how to get free animations! I know you guys would LOVE to here about that! Saves you tons of sc!

Don't go begging for autos in chatrooms, it gets annoying and Autographs can only get you so far.
Make sure your kind to people and avoid getting in fights. No one wants to be friends with someone rude and snoody. They don't want to watch your movies either.  Try to get noticed, watch a persons movie, "love" their room, and comment on their status, this makes them notice you and check out your profile.

I give most credit to: whale1234 for giving me my idea, go check out her profile on America MSP!!P.S Call me mpd2011 or mpd for now on.

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